The first two characters of the IBAN represent the country where the bank account is located. For example, 'US' for the United States.
These are two digits used for error-checking purposes. They help ensure the accuracy of the IBAN during the transaction process.
This portion of the IBAN identifies the specific bank and branch where the account is held. It may include a combination of letters and numbers unique to that institution.
The remaining characters in the IBAN represent the individual account number within the bank. This can vary in length depending on the country and bank.
Country name | SEPA | Length | IBAN Examples |
Belgium | Yes | 16 | BE68539007547034 |
Switzerland | Yes | 21 | CH9300762011623852957 |
Germany | Yes | 22 | DE89370400440532013000 |
Estonia | Yes | 20 | EE382200221020145685 |
Spain | Yes | 24 | ES9121000418450200051332 |
Finland | Yes | 18 | FI2112345600000785 |
France | Yes | 27 | FR1420041010050500013M02606 |
United Kingdom | Yes | 22 | GB29NWBK60161331926819 |
Hungary | Yes | 28 | HU42117730161111101800000000 |
Ireland | Yes | 22 | IE29AIBK93115212345678 |