Exchange CAD to USD

Experience the best rates and no hidden fees.
exchange cad to usd
Best way to
Seamlessly exchange currency
Avoid hefty bank fees, long-winded gambits and low exchange rates when you convert currency with us. Here are a few other advantages:
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    We will never charge you a fee to convert your money
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    Convert up to 1 million dollars per day
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    All money exchanged and transferred is 100% insured
Just go and
Compare our prices to our competitors
Take a look at the true cost of currency exchange at banks versus with Remitbee. There are lots of hidden costs, and those add up! With Remitbee, there are no hidden fees, so you can save up to 5x more than the next leading bank!.
True Cost*
Scotia bank
National bank of Canada

*Per data collected in January 2021

exchange canadian dollars to us dollars
Unbelievable savings
Save thousands every year with Remitbee currency exchange
Whether you’re a Canadian snowbird travelling south, need to do business in US dollars, are buying US real estate or a vehicle — you could be losing hundreds of dollars each time you exchange. Withdrawing once a month, for example, is 12 sets of fees each year. A seemingly minor withdrawal of $2,000 CAD monthly is $24,000 CAD annually.

Sweet Savings:

If you chose Remitbee you would get $19,094.40 USD. With a bank like Scotiabank, you would only receive $18,681.40 USD, which means you lose almost $500 USD per year. Maximise your savings by getting USD through Remitbee. That way, you pay zero foreign exchange fees and get the top exchange rates online.
Best place to convert CAD to USD
Remitbee currency exchange stacks up better than both banks and other currency exchange services. We charge ZERO fees, and unlike banks and other services, we are 100 percent upfront with how much money your exchange will get you and the exchange rate.
Why Remitbee is the best place to exchange CAD to USD
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No fees and top exchange rates. Get the most out of your money by checking our live comparison table.
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Always Safe
Feel comfort knowing your money is safe.
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100% Transparent
At Remitbee we don’t have any hidden fees or charges. Know exactly how much you’ll receive.
best usd exchange rate
Always transparent
What is the good exchange rate for CAD to USD?
For customers looking to save money, shopping around for the best exchange rate is a must. We make it easy with our live comparison table. Banks usually use one rate, called the market rate, to exchange currency with other banks.However, they don’t give this more advantageous rate to their customers. Instead, they add a margin to the exchange rate in order to make a profit. They also charge hidden fees such as a cash handling fee or foreign transaction charge. With Remitbee, you know exactly how much you’ll pay up front, and you get a top exchange rate compared to banks and other services.
As Featured In
The Times
Yahoo Finance
Frequently Asked Questions
You can now deposit money into your US bank account and retrieve the same amount once it’s converted, and vice versa!
There are no fees at all when you use Remitbee Currency Exchange



Market exchange rate is basically the real exchange rate between two currencies. It’s what financial institutions, like your bank, use to trade with other financial institutions. Unfortunately, these rates are often only reserved for transfers dealing with a ton of money— more money than the average person would ever deal with.

The consumer exchange rate is the rate you’re most likely used to dealing with. The consumer exchange rate is a combination of the market exchange rate plus whatever amount the financial institution (in most cases, your bank) charges in order to make a profit.

It’s best practice to use the market exchange rate as a benchmark when you’re looking for the best rates. The closer the exchange rate is to the market exchange rate, the better.

Remitbee has daily and monthly limits on how much you can send:

The amount of money you can send daily and monthly depends on your verification level with Remitbee. We currently have (3-4) levels of verification

Banks take advantage of the knowledge that most people will use what they’re familiar with when it comes to international transfers. Big banks use this knowledge to continue charging higher rates than other services because they have been able to get away with it for many years. Banks disguise their high exchange rates with complicated fee structures which leave consumers naive about how much money they’re losing.

Remitbee is on a mission to keep our fees and exchange rate transparent so that you can transfer money internationally, while feeling safe that you’re truly getting the best exchange rate.