Canadian Dollar to Sri Lankan Rupees

RemitBee always gives you the best exchange rate in Canada. As of 06/11/2024, the Canadian Dollar to LKR exchange rate is 1 CAD = 211.00 LKR. Use this amazing exchange rate and send money to Sri Lanka within a few hours.
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Why choose RemitBee to convert CAD to LKR

At RemitBee, you can easily convert CAD to Sri Lanka. Stay informed about our daily real-time exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (CAD) and the Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR). RemitBee will be best for those who travel abroad, do international transactions, and send money to family and friends from Canada to Sri Lanka. RemitBee will give you a better CAD to LKR exchange rate, a lower transaction fee than other currency exchanges, a fast and secure money transfer within 1 day, and 24/7 customer support.

Experience unbeatable rates when you transfer money to Sri Lanka with RemitBee.

How to convert CAD to LKR online

Track Real-Time CAD to LKR Exchange Rates and Historical Trends.

Input your amount

Start by entering the amount you want to convert. Whether it’s a small or large value, simply type it in and we’ll calculate the conversion for you in real-time.

Fill recipient details

Select your preferred currency. Use the convenient drop-down menu to pick from a variety of global currencies available through RemitBee.

Check the rates

Our currency converter provides the latest CAD to LKR rate and tracks its fluctuations over the past 24 hours, week, or month.

Canadian dollar to Sri Lankan Rupee exchange rate

CAD to LKR exchange rate
1.00 null
5.00 null
10 CAD
10.00 null
20 CAD
20.00 null
50 CAD
50.00 null
100 CAD
100.00 null
150 CAD
150.00 null
200 CAD
200.00 null
250 CAD
250.00 null
500 CAD
500.00 null
1000 CAD
1000.00 null
1200 CAD
1200.00 null
1500 CAD
1500.00 null
2000 CAD
2000.00 null
2500 CAD
2500.00 null
3000 CAD
3000.00 null

Top currency pairs

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? We have Answers!

What is the best way to convert CAD to LKR for online money transfer?
How long does it take to send Canadian Dollars to Sri Lanka?
How to use RemitBee's CAD to LKR currency converter?
Why RemitBee is the best way to send money from Canada to Sri Lanka
How much does it cost to send money to Sri Lanka?