Why You Should Take A Financial Wellness Test (Canada 2024)

By Remitbee - Jan 10, 2024

Understanding Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness is a measure of how well a person manages their finances. It encompasses more than just having a steady income and involves managing expenses, saving for the future, reducing debt, and making informed financial decisions. These habits are meant to secure financial stability and mobility while weathering unexpected expenses, planning for retirement, and achieving both short-term and long-term financial goals.

Assessing your Financial Wellness

Many financial institutions provide tools that can assess your level of financial wellness. Some general places to go to include:

  • Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC): The FCAC provides various resources and tools to help Canadians improve their financial literacy, including a Financial Self-assessment quiz.

  • Credit Counselling Canada: Credit Counselling Canada is an association of non-profit credit counselling agencies that may offer financial assessment tools or resources to help Canadians manage their finances better.

  • Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada): CPA Canada may provide financial literacy resources, including tools and assessments, to help Canadians improve their financial knowledge and skills.

  • Banks and Financial Institutions: Many Canadian banks and financial institutions like Remitbee offer online financial wellness resources, including budgeting tools, calculators, and educational materials.

  • Employer Programs: Some employers in Canada offer financial wellness programs for their employees. These programs may include assessments or tools to help individuals manage their finances better.

  • Non-profit Organizations: Various non-profit organizations in Canada focus on financial literacy and may provide resources, workshops, or tools to assess and improve financial wellness.

The Financial Consumer of Canada's Self-Assessment Quiz

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's self-assessment quiz helps individuals gauge their financial well-being through five categories:

  1. Keeping track: Organizing and watching your income and expenses to understand where your money goes.

  2. Making ends meet: Spending less than you bring in so you do not live beyond your means.

  3. Planning ahead: Setting goals and working towards them.

  4. Staying informed: Seeking out information and asking questions of trusted sources regarding financial products and services.

  5. Choosing products: Selecting products and services to meet your current and future financial needs.

Components of a Financial Wellness Test

  • Income and Expenses Assessment: Evaluate the balance between income and expenses to ensure individuals live within their means. Assesses the ability to create and stick to a realistic budget.

  • Emergency Fund Preparedness: Determines if individuals have an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. It encourages the establishment of a financial safety net for unforeseen circumstances.

  • Debt Management: Analyzes current debt levels and assesses the strategies in place for debt repayment. It offers guidance on effective debt management and reduction techniques.

  • Savings and Investments: Evaluates the presence of savings and investment portfolios for future financial security. It encourages diversification and a well-balanced investment strategy.

  • Retirement Planning: Assesses awareness and planning for retirement. It provides insights into the adequacy of retirement savings and strategies for improvement.

  • Financial Literacy: Tests the individual's understanding of basic financial concepts and terms. Promotes ongoing financial education to enhance literacy levels.

Significance of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's Quiz

  • Empowerment through Knowledge: The test equips individuals with a clear understanding of their financial situation, empowering them to make informed decisions.

  • Early Intervention and Prevention: Identifying potential financial issues early through the quiz will allow individuals to take proactive measures and prevent crises.

  • Government and Corporate Initiatives: The test results can inform government policies and corporate initiatives aimed at improving overall financial wellness at a societal level.

  • Educational Resource: The test serves as an educational resource, guiding individuals on areas of improvement and providing resources for further financial education.


The Self-assessment quiz is a valuable tool in promoting financial literacy and well-being among Canadians. By addressing key financial areas and encouraging proactive financial management, the test contributes to the overall economic resilience of individuals and the nation. This initiative is crucial in fostering a financially savvy and secure population through ongoing financial education initiatives.