Many people aren’t aware that the rates banks give out are normally much lower than the real daily rate of that currency.
It only takes a simple google search of usd to cad or cad to usd to see what the real rate is, and make sure you aren’t being unfairly charged.
When you exchange currency with Remitbee, you can enjoy zero fees when you exchange a minimum of $10 between a currency pair!
We are regulated and audited by FINTRAC, which is a government agency. You can have peace of mind to know that your money is protected and secure!
It’s so frustrating to deal with poor customer service, especially around something as important as your finances. We’ve worked hard to make sure that our customer service team answers any questions you have swiftly and effectively, to your make your experience with Remitbee even better. If you’re curious to see what our customers have to say, check out our reviews on Trustpilot and Google!