Understanding Your Maximum Contribution Limits: TFSA, FHSA, RRSP

By Remitbee - Mar 1, 2024

Understanding Maximum Contribution Limits for Tax-Advantaged Accounts

When saving for your future, understanding the maximum contribution limits of tax-advantaged accounts is crucial. In Canada and the United States, three popular options are the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), First-Time Home Buyer’s Savings Account (FHSA), and Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). Each account offers unique tax benefits and contribution limits.

In this guide, we'll explore how to determine your maximum contribution limits for each account.

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

In Canada, the TFSA is a powerful tool for saving and investing money tax-free. The contribution limit for a TFSA is set by the government and indexed to inflation. It's important to note that the TFSA contribution room accumulates yearly, regardless of whether you have contributed to your account. To find out your TFSA contribution limit, you can:

  • Check Your CRA Account: The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) provides individuals access to their TFSA contribution room through their online accounts. By logging in to your CRA account, you can view your current TFSA contribution limit, any unused contribution room from previous years, and your total contribution room available.
  • Contact the CRA: If you prefer to refrain from using online services, contact the CRA directly. They can provide information about your TFSA contribution limit over the phone or by mail.
  • Consult Your Notice of Assessment: Your Notice of Assessment, which you receive after filing your taxes yearly, also includes information about your TFSA contribution room. This document outlines your available contribution room and any contributions or withdrawals made in the previous tax year.
  • Keep Track Yourself: If you're diligent about keeping records, you can manually calculate your TFSA contribution room. Start with the annual contribution limit set by the government and subtract any contributions you've made in previous years and any withdrawals you've made.

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First-Time Home Buyer's Savings Account (FHSA)

The FHSA is designed to help first-time homebuyers save for their down payment. To determine your maximum contributions to an FHSA, follow these steps:

  1. Understand FHSA Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for an FHSA, you must be a first-time home buyer, a Canadian resident, and at least 18 years old. You must not have owned or lived in a home your spouse or common-law partner owned as a primary residence in the previous four years.
  2. Determine the Annual Contribution Limit: Per the current guidelines (subject to change), the annual contribution limit for an FHSA is $8,000 per individual per year. Couples can each contribute to their own FHSA, effectively doubling the potential savings for a down payment.
  3. Calculate Your Lifetime Contribution Limit: The lifetime contribution limit for an FHSA is $40,000 per individual. This limit does not carry forward from previous years, meaning you can only contribute a maximum of $40,000 over the account's lifetime.
  4. Consider Your Savings Goals: Determine how much you can realistically contribute to your FHSA each year based on your financial situation and savings goals. While the maximum contribution limit is $8,000 annually, you are not required to contribute the total amount each year.
  5. Assess Your Contribution Room: If you have not contributed to an FHSA in previous years, you can still contribute up to the annual limit. Your contribution room does not carry forward from one year to the next, so maximizing contributions each year is essential if you plan to utilize the FHSA for a home purchase.
  6. Review Government Updates: Periodically check for updates from the government regarding FHSA contribution limits and eligibility criteria. Contribution limits and rules may change over time, so staying informed ensures you make decisions based on the most current information.
  7. Consult with Financial Professionals: If you need clarification on your eligibility or how much you can contribute to an FHSA, consider consulting with a financial advisor or tax professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation and goals, helping you make informed decisions regarding your FHSA contributions.
  8. Monitor Your Contributions: Keep track of your FHSA contributions throughout the year to ensure you stay within the annual and lifetime contribution limits. Overcontributing to an FHSA can result in penalties, so monitoring your contributions closely is crucial.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

In Canada, an RRSP is a tax-deferred retirement savings account. It allows individuals to save for retirement while reducing their taxable income. Contribution limits for RRSPs are based on earned income and are subject to annual maximums set by the government. To determine your RRSP contribution limit, you can:

  • Check Your Notice of Assessment: Similar to the TFSA, your Notice of Assessment from the CRA provides information about your RRSP contribution room. This document outlines your available contribution room for the current tax year and any contributions or withdrawals made in the previous tax year.
  • Use the CRA My Account: The CRA My Account portal lets you access information about your RRSP contribution room online. You can view your current contribution limit and unused room from previous years by logging in to your account.
  • Review the RRSP Deduction Limit Statement: The CRA also provides individuals with an RRSP Deduction Limit Statement outlining their RRSP contribution room for the current tax year. This statement is typically mailed out after you file your taxes each year.
  • Consult with a Financial Advisor: If you need clarification on your RRSP contribution limit or want to maximize your retirement savings strategy, consider speaking with a financial advisor. They can help you understand each of your options and create a plan that aligns with your long-term financial goals.

In conclusion, understanding your maximum contribution limits to tax-advantaged accounts like the TFSA, HSA, and RRSP is essential for effective financial planning. By leveraging the resources available, such as online accounts, IRS or CRA guidelines, and professional advice, you can make wise decisions to maximize your savings and achieve your financial objectives.

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